Friday, June 22, 2012

Will I Ever Finish?

I have been writing since 1996, but I have yet to finish a complete work. Well, ok, so I have submitted some short stories for some contests. I didn't win, but I learned some things along the way. One of the hardest ones for me was the 100 words of less competition and yet I did really well on that one. Go figure! This is what I posted for that contest in 2010.


Strong arms hold me tight. A familiar musky scent envelopes me. Fingers curl through my hair. My heart tightens in joy at the familiarity. Lips brush my cheek gently. A comforting voice speaks my name. The arms tighten around me carefully, words of gentle promise whisper to me. The terror is over. I was rescued only a few short hours ago. Skid marks on wet pavement, mixed with mangled metal on the road. Flashing lights and sirens blare in my memory. No bruises, no broken bones were found. I am safe now. I am loved. I am home.

I haven't submitted anything since 2010 since life got so hectic afterwards. Sometimes it seems like I spend more time revising and editing than I do writing. Spelling and grammer errors drive me crazy when I read so I don't want others to deal with them.

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